Thursday, December 19, 2013

It’s Winter! Time to Warm Up with a Good Book!

In the flurry of holiday excitement and finals, it’s hard to find time to read a book purely for pleasure. With winter vacation coming up, the BCS library is featuring all sorts of titles for students to read over break.

In the Middle School Nook, we have a bulletin board featuring classic literature for grades 5-8. From Island of the Blue Dolphins to White Fang and Little Women, there are plenty of classic titles to delve into. Some of the selected titles we have out are:

·      Heidi

·      Hatchet

·      A Day No Pigs Would Die

·      Wind in the Willows

·      The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

·      Journey to the Center of the Earth

·      The Chocolate War

·      Robinson Crusoe

Elsewhere around the library we are featuring other popular and classic titles for the Upper Schoolers. Some of these titles are:

·      A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

·      Jurassic Park

·      Ender’s Game

·      The Hunchback of Notre Dame

·      The Bell Jar

·      War of the Worlds

·      Fight Club

We even have a selection of graphic novel versions of some classics! Check them out at the Graphic Novels section.

And to celebrate the holiday season we’ve put out a section of Charles Dickens’ titles and featured his best holiday works!

To help students pick their next book, we’ve put together some recommended reading LibGuides:

And in keeping with the theme of classic for winter, you can also check out our Classics Reading Resource Lists to see all the classic literature we have in our collection:

So stay warm and get wrapped up in a great book! 

Happy Holidays from the BCS Middle/Upper School Library!